Dora * Lyne * Dawa * Rita * Angèle
This book works like a kaleidoscope of images, preciously edited in order to developp a smooth but frank rythm,
for the eyes of the reader. This book is a collection organized by Ella Mare and I, *E.

The photographs, created by Ella Mare, are taken since summer 2018 until spring 2021.
I, *E, guided and gave shape to this abundant work, during a 9 months gestation, along the Rhône River,
along Lyon and Arles.

This ensemble is an address to these zones just between the other and the self, between a secrete and its delcaration,
between taking time and letting it go.

I am deeply touched for having had the opportunity to manipulate Ella's work and being part of this "being at work" process,
that her texts are questionning, in vineyards and cities.
Under the shape of flashing lights, faces; a soft blink between still images and moving gestures.

This book is addressed to Dora, Lyne, Rita, Dawa, Angèle,
to Betty, to Betties,
to the back of our retinas ❦